Fix Salon Recognized As Top US Salon By POPSUGAR.

We were delighted to learn that POPSUGAR editors chose Fix Salon as one of the best salons in the US.

POPSUGAR is a beauty and lifestyle digital company with an audience of over 19 million. Founded by Lisa Sugar in 2005, this female focused company delivers the biggest moments, the hottest trends and the best tips in entertainment, fashion, beauty and food.

We are honored to share this category with some of the nation’s top salons. Cutler Salon in New York, Nine Zero One and Meche Salon in LA and Fox & Jane Salon in NY and CO.

You can read the full article and learn about other top salons across the country.

Our team loves what we do. We work hard to provide exceptional experiences to our guests. It is a special feeling for all of us when our passion is recognized by a respected national platform like POPSUGAR.

Mandy McCullough